Want to help someone moving into their first home? Consider a Welcome Home Kit
A Welcome Home Kit is a great way to give someone with a new home some of the basics. It contains everything they need to get started in their new home, from towels to laundry detergent. The kit comes in handy when a homeless household gets ready to transition into housing and needs some help getting their new place ready for the next chapter of their lives.
A Welcome Home Kit is a great idea, and they aren’t just for the homeless. Our kits are made available to charitable organizations that work to provide housing and basic necessities to those in need, including immigrants, youth, veterans, elderly, students, and anyone transitioning into a new phase of life.
While it’s not the first thing you think of when it comes to moving into a new place, a Welcome Home Kit is an effective way to furnish a new home. Our partner agencies distribute Welcome Home Kits as a way to help promote self-sufficiency. Our kits contain the necessary bedding, bath, and kitchen items as well as a few other must-haves. In addition, they include cleaning and hygiene supplies as well.
Another great welcome home idea is to give someone a Welcome Home Hygiene or Cleaning Kit. These kits are a great way to help someone in need with the basic necessities that are hard to come by through donations or other assistance. The kits contain full sized products and are designed to supply any item a person may need.
With a little planning, you can help someone have a new home in no time at all. If you know someone who is in need of assistance, check out the various housing agencies in your area. The United Way is a great resource, and they also provide information on how to assist or volunteer to ensure that your generosity goes to a good cause. You can find more info on their website, and they also have a Facebook page for the local chapter.
Life Startup Essentials is here to help ease the transition to a new beginning by supplying starter kits for new homes. These kits are available to both service agencies as well as individuals needing the essentials for an apartment or new housing. With pre-made and custom kits to fit every need, we have something to fit every lifestyle. Browse our selection of kits and items and enjoy the convenience of having everything you or your clients might need right at your fingertips!